What is hypnosis?

Our thoughts, feelings, and actions are driven by our subconscious, which can lead us to make choices that aren’t aligned with what we want on a conscious level. 

Let’s say you want to stop overthinking or analysing every little thing. You might feel stuck in the “fight or flight” response, even when there’s no threat. It can be hard to convince yourself that everything is going to be okay and that you’re safe.

This is because anxiety is driven by your subconscious mind, and is simply a pattern of thinking you’ve unknowingly picked up over time.

Through clinical hypnosis, we can interrupt the subconscious thought patterns that are keeping you stuck in those old loops, and we can start to reframe your mindset.

Hypnosis is a powerful way to help you let go of deep-rooted patterns of thinking. It empowers you with the skills and resources to break the negative cycles you run and help you take back control of your life.

How does it work?

Hypnosis works by tapping into your subconscious mind to reprogram the beliefs, thought processes, and behaviours that are keeping you stuck.

During hypnosis, the body and conscious mind are in a relaxed, natural state (similar to what happens when you daydream), while the subconscious mind remains awake and receptive to suggestion.

Once in a comfortable position and with headphones in, I’ll guide you into a hypnotic relaxation state where I will communicate directly with your subconscious.

This process results in you adopting more positive and productive ways of thinking, reacting, and behaving.

After a number of sessions, you will subconsciously adopt the new habits and behaviours that you desire.

What can hypnotherapy help you with?

  • Anxiety + overthinking

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Confidence + self-esteem

  • Relationship issues

  • Depression + mood swings

  • Toxic thought patterns


  • Clinical hypnotherapy is a mixture of hypnosis and psychotherapy treatment. You’ll get into a relaxed and comfortable state, where I’ll communicate with your unconscious mind and make suggestions relevant to your symptoms. Clinical hypnotherapy is the use of this altered state of consciousness to bring about the desired change a client wants in their lives. I use Ericksonian hypnosis, which is the art of using indirect suggestion, metaphors and storytelling to alter behaviour, rather than direct suggestion.

  • Stage hypnosis is all about entertainment and exhibitionism. Those who are invited up onto the stage are screened first, and selected carefully. At some level, the people who land up on stage are exhibitionists who enjoy entertaining - that is why they put their hand up for the job. It's purely for entertainment purposes, and has no therapeutic outcomes.

  • Hypnosis can be used anywhere the mind participates, however my areas of expertise are with clients experiencing anxiety, low self-esteem or low confidence, limiting beliefs and relationship issues.

  • Anxiety may feel like it’s part of who we are, but it doesn’t have to be that way. No one is born experiencing anxiety, it’s simply a pattern of thinking we’ve subconsciously picked up throughout our lives. Hypnosis helps by calming the mind and body, then reframing the way you think and which thoughts and feelings you focus on. It enables you to regain control over what you choose to focus on, and enables you to adopt a calm, controlled and optimistic mindset.

  • In our initial session, we’ll get to know each other and I’ll ask you questions to understand the core issues you’d like to work on. I’ll then use strategic psychotherapy to begin challenging and reprogramming your subconscious beliefs and thought patterns.

    During hypnosis, I’ll guide you into a relaxed trance where I’ll offer different ideas and suggestions to your subconscious mind. Although your eyes will be closed, you’ll be awake and focused on my voice, allowing your mind and body to completely relax.

  • Hypnosis can feel different for everyone, but it has been likened to the experience of daydreaming, or the way we feel just before waking up or just as we drift off to sleep. It is a natural state that we experience every day when driving or watching tv. After a session, most people report feeling calm, relaxed, happy and positive. You may not consciously remember everything that was said during hypnosis, but your subconscious mind was listening and absorbing the suggestions.

  • Yes! Hypnosis is simply a gentle, relaxed state of focus and is perfectly safe. You will not say or do anything during hypnosis that you don’t want to do consciously, and you’ll be fully in control and aware of everything that’s going on the whole time.

  • There is no way you can get “stuck” in a trance. It’s a natural state and you’re very much awake. Although relaxed, you'll be present and listening to me and aware of your surroundings. The most that could happen is that you could fall asleep, in which case the hypnosis would not be effective.

  • It depends on the individual’s needs, and some client’s experience huge shifts after one session. However a minimum of 3-6 sessions are recommended to create significant, long-lasting change.

  • Yes! Most people can be hypnotised so long as they want to be and are able to listen and concentrate. As a hypnotherapist, I’m simply guiding you in the right direction. You’re the one driving the train.

    Although most people can by hypnotised, individuals with schizophrenia, serious mental illnesses, cognitive difficulties or hearing impairments, or anyone under the influence of drugs or alcohol cannot be treated. Young children and elderly individuals who may have trouble focusing should also not be treated.