Hi I'm Dani. It’s lovely to meet you!

In 2019, I found myself riddled with anxiety. I was stuck in a loop of negative thinking, catastrophising, and just generally not feeling good enough.

After seeing a psychologist, and doing all the right things (meditating, exercising, journaling, cuddling my dog), I still felt anxious. So I finally said “enough is enough.

I’d heard about hypnotherapy, and feeling like I had nothing to lose, I decided to give it a go.

Within the first two sessions, the physical symptoms of anxiety had disappeared. I felt light, happy, and excited about life again!

I felt like the old me.

This ignited a passion in to learn everything possible about hypnotherapy and to share the benefits of this therapeutic model with others.

I have a particular interest in anxiety, self-esteem, binge eating, self-confidence issues, and relationship challenges.

I’m based in Sydney, Australia and all hypnotherapy sessions are delivered online.

I have a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy from the Institute of Applied Psychology.

I’m deeply committed to helping you get the result you’re looking for so you can not only be free from the problem that brought you to hypnotherapy but also free to live a meaningful life beyond your expectations.

“Dani is great at what she does. Thanks to the sessions I've had with Dani, I now feel much more relaxed, focused and motivated, not once did I feel uncomfortable or unable to say how I really felt. She has an elegant style and has so much empathy, with her guidance I was able to discover a lot about myself that I wouldn't have been able to without her. A very big thank you to Dani. I highly recommend her services, she is wonderful!”

— Jen, 29, Sydney