Ready to see results?

I help women overcome anxiety & negative self-talk through clinical hypnotherapy.

Let go of anxiety, build confidence and self-esteem, and stop overthinking so you can live your best life.

Hi, I’m Dani

I’m a Clinical Hypnotherapist & Strategic Psychotherapist based in Sydney, Australia.

I’m passionate about helping women overcome anxiety and everything related to it - such as low self-esteem, procrastination, insomnia, nail biting, smoking and more.

I use a tailored approach that helps us identify and address the root causes and daily triggers of your anxiety, so that we can eliminate it for good.

Using strategic psychotherapy and clinical hypnosis techniques, I treat anxiety directly within the subconscious, leading to powerful, immediate and long-lasting results.

How can I help you?

Hypnotherapy is powerful and can help with any issue related to the mind - although my expertise is in treating anxiety.

When working with clients, I help identify the root cause of your problem and then we work together to create change and move you towards your future goals.

I work with clients to:

  • Reduce anxiety and overthinking

  • Boost self-esteem and confidence

  • Clear unwanted patterns

  • Reduce emotional reactivity

  • Find greater resilience and empowerment

  • Improve sleep quality

  • Shift relationship patterns

  • Let go of past experiences

  • Move beyond feeling “stuck”

If you’ve tried everything and are ready for quick, long-lasting results, hypnotherapy might be for you.

How hypnosis works

The subconscious mind comprises your imagination, core beliefs, feelings, memories, intuition, and the mind-body-spirit connection.

It has been programmed over the years by your environment, education, friends, family, culture, and even your own self-talk.

For old patterns to be released and new patterns to be formed, you need to be in a relaxed state so that reprogramming can take place. This is hypnosis.

My approach is one of warmth, connection, and trust. Each client is treated with the utmost respect and as a unique individual. Each session is tailor-made for you. I don’t use scripts or believe that one-size-fits-all

After experiencing hypnosis, most clients report feeling relaxed, calm, confident, hopeful and optimistic about the future.

Learn how to embrace your authentic self to live a confident, empowered, energetic life.

No more feeling stuck!

My specialities include:


Do you struggle to turn off anxious thoughts? Do you feel like every little thing takes so much of your brain power? We can interrupt and reprogram your thought patterns and put a stop to anxiety, helping you to feel calm, centred and in control.

Low mood

Do you feel stuck in a dark cloud and not yourself? By releasing past traumas and reframing the way you view the world, you’ll feel more optimistic and hopeful and you’ll see the glass as half-full again.

Confidence & self-esteem

Have you been playing small for too long? Ready to trade in imposter syndrome for the brilliant woman you are? Together we can change their inner critic voice so that you can embrace who you are, and live life as your most authentic self.

  • “Dani is such a professional and so kind, she goes after the problem but treats you with respect. I was struggling with anxiety and Dani was able to help me see it as a process I ran, that I have choice. I felt relaxed with Dani and the experience was empowering. Thank you"

    Francesca, 31, Melbourne

  • “Dani was just what I needed, very calm and her demeanour was warm and engaging. She worked through a few personal challenges with me, and I found her work to be effective. Very happy to recommend Dani to anyone wanting to make some shifts.”

    Julie, 41, Melbourne

  • "Dani is extremely professional, warm and respectful and I left the session feeling lighter, calmer and clearer in the mind, with a newfound perspective. She walked me through the session and provided me with mental clarity on different areas that really resonated with me and continues to stick with me today. I feel more confident in addressing issues that were previously a barrier to me now and would highly recommend Dani to others! Such a great experience and so thankful."

    Doris, 32, Sydney

  • "Thank you for another fantastic session. It's been a fantastic and liberating time. I've have been in conventional therapy on and off for the better part of 15 years with standard psychology, psychiatry, and the likes of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Whilst they have all served in their own, I've found that hypnosis has provided a platform for conceptual absorption that I've not found within the other mediums mentioned."

    David, 43, Sydney

  • "Dani is great at what she does. Thanks to the sessions I've had with Dani, I now feel much more relaxed, focused and motivated, not once did I feel uncomfortable or unable to say how I really felt. She has an elegant style and has so much empathy, with her guidance I was able to discover a lot about myself that I wouldn't have been able to without her. A very big thank you to Dani. I highly recommend her services, she is wonderful!"

    Jen, 28, Sydney

  • “I can’t thank Dani enough for all her help. I look forward to my hypnotherapy sessions so much because I know that afterwards, I will feel calm, centered and full of hope. Dani has even helped me quit smoking, a bad habit I’ve had for 20 years! My anxiety is so much more under control and I just feel better in general. I highly recommend Hypnotherapy with Dani!”

    Viv, 35, Miami

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself?